Acting and Musical Theatre

Year 9

TermTopic / StyleDescriptionRepertoire / Practitioner
Autumn 1Skills Development  Devising Theatre techniques Introduction to Key Stage 4 Performing Arts through the exploration of a range of styles and repertoire in order to further develop skills built in Key Stage 3Everyone’s Talking about Jamie Girls Like That
Autumn 2Page to Stage Students to learn about all the roles and responsibilities in creating live theatre. Through practical exploration, students will develop their understanding of the creation of work related to plays.The Ocean at the end of the lane.
Spring 1Page to Stage    Students to learn about all the roles and responsibilities in creating live theatre. Through practical exploration, students will develop their understanding of the creation of work related to musical theatre..Six The Musical 
Spring 2Scene Study Students will investigate the themes, circumstances, motivation and relationships between characters in a scene.Mark WheelerVerbatim Theatre
Summer 1Responding to a brief    Students will use the skills, knowledge and understanding gained through the year and apply it to creating their own piece of theatre.NA
Summer 2Performing a piece of repertoire  For their summative assessment, students will perform a piece of repertoire of their own choosing.Student Choice

Year 10 

TermTopic / StyleDescriptionRepertoire / Practitioner
Autumn 1Exploring the Performing Arts  Students will revisit the repertoire previously studied and further analyse in depth the process leading to the creation of the work as well as the elements of the style. Students will also study one further extract from a production currently in the West End2023 – Everyone’s Talking about Jamie
Girls Like That 2024 – TBC
Autumn 2Exploring roles in the performing artsStudents will study the  roles, responsibilities and skills required to successful contribute to a performance. This will culminate in a Mock assessment for the Pearson Set Assignment 
Spring 1External AssessmentStudents will complete the  externally set assignment. 
Spring 2Developing skills in the Performing Arts Students will develop their understanding of the rehearsal process in the performing arts and the professional skills required to be successful 
Summer 1Individual Skills DevelopmentStudents will be guided to either a solo a group performance of a piece of repertoire which will challenge them to develop their own skills. Students will be required to keep a logbook as well as recording ‘milestone moments’ on their journey.Repertoire is decided by the class teacher alongside the student.
Summer 2

Year 11

TermTopic / StyleDescriptionRepertoire / Practitioner
Autumn 1External AssessmentStudents will begin work on the Pearson Set Assignment for Component 2Repertoire is decided by the class teacher alongside the student.
Autumn 2External Assessment Cont. Devising TechniquesStudents will complete the final task of the PSA. Students will then study techniques and approaches to devising theatre
Spring 1Component ThreeExternal assessmentStudents will work over a 12 week period in order to complete the external assessment set by Pearson 